Bringing Minds Together


determining outcomes and measurements

Communities are distinct, with their own history, perspectives, and priorities. Bring community members together to determine what your shared goals are and the steps you’re going to take to get there together. Little Sister has specific strategies proven to engage young people in determining outcomes, performance measures, and key performance indicators.

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community engagement

Include community perspectives in decision-making by asking the right questions at the right time.

Services include:

  • facilitating public meetings,

  • coordinating trauma-informed supports for difficult discussions, and

  • issue-specific briefing materials for community members.

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Evolving and emerging issues can be difficult to move forward on when people come from different levels of understanding. Get everyone on the same page with clear background information on issues you might be facing, including:

  • Indigenous perspectives on ending violence,

  • gender-based analysis,

  • youth development, and

  • functions of government processes and policy development.



Reach your community members and advocate more effectively with strong publications and reports that highlight solutions to issues you’re facing and prioritize your aspirations. With Little Sister Consulting you can also include more than high quality written content - all reports and publications include graphic design with accessibility in mind and utilize the newest strategies like social media campaigns and podcasting.

Services include:

  • podcast production,

  • info-graphics and information sharing specifically made for social media, and

  • submissions tailored to to public consultation guidelines.


Examples of past work available upon request.